
Best place to nap...

My table seems to be the perfect place to nap on and under. Hantje prefers sleeping on the table furring everything. :/ I can't say that I'm not used to it since Kiki did the same but it's weird to see that she choses exactly *that* place.
I try to convince myself that she likes the sound of the keyboard and being close...

 I shall call you my napping place and fuzzle you and you shall be my napping place...

Good thing is that I can take macroshots while she sleeps. The only problem is that the mouse cursor is still a very intersting thing to play with. On my Eizo screen... I guess I have to find a solution for that problem.


Frau Nordlicht said...

Ach nein, wie goldig... aber das kenne ich von meinen Stubentigern auch. Hauptsache da, wo's unbequem ist. :D

Anonymous said...

Cats sleep in strange places don't they?

malumi said...

awww so süß, Katzen sind immer süß egal was sie machen und egal wo sie schlafen ^^ und vor allem wie lange *lol*

Lazarus Lupin said...

That's a problem? That is one cute cat!

Lazarus Lupin
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