I promised Frau Kirschvogel to make some more pics of the Art S. Buck mannekins and here we go. Actually those are still tricky since some parts are not as cooperaive as they should be but it's okay since they need to be stiff. You know if a pose works when the figurines stop falling ;)
I think the female one above shows it pretty much. I wasn't sure if she keeps from tumbling but the pose is static.
The -still very- cool part is that you can take pics of different perspectives. For me it's practically the best since it's always a bit annoying to get those correct and well... here they actually are. Click, done.
This is how far the back can be bend. If you add the legs as well it's pretty much. You just have to keep an eye on the different parts (like legs or arms) to sit in the correct position. Here it's not that problematic but the male leg gives away when you bend it without ckecing since it's so buff.
Super-hero picking something up.... with pretty shadows...
and Super-Hero picking something up from a different angle. And other pretty shadows...
Sitting works as well... especially on a Bodum cup *arf*
And surfing but still not tumbling around as well. They are really damn well balanced I have to say.
So much for new pics. I still wish the female had switchable shoulders as well. It makes a lot of sense with some poses.
And since 99% of the random people hitting this blog are searching for Art S.Buck mannekins: There you go
Sphinx Kitteh... loves the heater in winter. :)
Sphinx Kitteh... loves the heater in winter. :)
Awww, thank you so much! ♥___♥
They look really cool and usefull in those poses. I am especially impressed by the balance. Me wants them, me wants them baaaad.
Herrje...ja, jetzt will ich die auch haben! Manno. Aber 30 Dollar Shipping? x____x
Ich spar dann noch ein Weilchen...schnief. Blödes Azubidasein.
Das Mietzenbildchen ist übrigens herzallerliebst :)
Ich hab mir das Männlein nun bestellt. Mal sehen wie lang es dauert, bis das in Deutschland ankommt.
Und im Gegensatz zu den geplanten 500$ für eine BJD finde ich den Preis doch recht angenehm. Und ich denke diese Mannequins tun es genauso gut.
Besser als so ein übliches Holzteil auf jeden Fall
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