
Kulla speed-felting *yowzaaa*

Awwww! Kulla looks a bit gloomy but hell, I never knew how to felt so this is epic anyway.

On monday I had one of those rare moments - in the middle of a night- where I knew a idea was creeping right into my head. I can't explain it in any better way but it's like sensing something's coming up and if you're lucky it doesn't vanish right before you can grab it.
I can remember every three times I had that moments and all were book plot moments. I know I'm a whack...

Anybody else every experienced it?


Meike Werner said...

Yes, I most certainly did experience it. Always leaves me with excitement.

psycoroad said...

Yes, and I always keep paper at hand, just in case.. ;-)

Daniela Uhlig said...

hehehe kein wunder dass du immer so beschäftigt bist... sowas zu basteln dauert ja ne ewigkeit.
sehr cool!

Anke said...

AAAAAh are you telling us you are planning another KULLA book? That would be sooooo awesome.

trenchmaker said...

@anke only if the plot and the budget gets approved... we never said three is the final number- after 2 years maybe it's interesting. so far the books developed a lot and I'd like to top everything with number 4.

Anonymous said...

How COOL. We have all three of them and my kids are obsessed with Kullas world. Oh my...

DoReDani said...

Wow, das ist echt beeindruckend! Wusste gar nicht, dass man das SO macht! =)
Was für Material ist das?! Würdest du es mir verraten?! Hab total lust bekommen sowas auch zu basteln! Ganz tolL!

Weiter so! =)