
Oh Hai!

hehe... :D


Marina Lazovic said...

wie cuuute <3<3<3
ein fröschliii *smile*
der is verdammt toll geworden!

Angel said...

Squeeeee! He's so super kawaii!

malumi said...

Omg thats superdupercute, as I saw him I did this extremly high sound I do every time something is so unbelievable cute like him, have you sew it yourself?

Jeannette said...

Oh please add a reader subscription button! I don't want to loose out on your updates when they get rid of Google Reader. :(

trenchmaker said...

@Malumi no, i got the prototype done by a company. The legs still need a bit of adjustment but otherwise that'd be the perfect squish-me frog. :)

@Jeanette Done! I added a subscribe button and I hope that's what you asked for. If not simply scream. :)