

moleskine sketch for the December (Christmas) illustration for the new calendar. I hope I can finish it. Still stuck with dragons- hopefully just another week.
Since I switched to Windows 7 64 Bit my old scanner doesn't work anymore (one of those things were I wanan screm "F*** you! you should consider people like me!") which means no scanning atm. Arf. It's a problem I have with my old printer as well. I love 64 bit, but it's odd if you want to use old hardware but it turns out to be impossible :((((.
I wish I could add something brilliant. Lately I feel like writing again but it's like a black hole sucking away the end of those stories. I know the beginnings are awesome but the ending is not. But thanks god, I have to concentrate on comics anyway. And it's impossible to squeeze a whole novel in 6 panels. So I'm stuck with "Keep it short and funny" instead of "keep it long and epic and awesome". I shouldn't complain. Things could be worse.
Like finding Christmas presents. My mum was faster than me and snatched away all the good ideas. Even for Ty. I have to admit she's a genius when it comes to "buy Christmas presents in MARCH".


Anonymous said...

Kannst du generell die Treiber nicht installieren? Oder Findet nur PS den Scanner nicht? Dann kann es sein das irgendwie das Plugin fehlt, das war bei mir so =/

trenchmaker said...

@Artflower es gibt keine 64-bit Treiber für die alten Krücken. Ohne Treiber keine Geräte :/
Im Studio habe ich das gleiche Problem, wir können gerade kollektiv keine Geräte nutzen.

bambam said...

Hi there! xD I had to make another account because I forgot my password. xD;
aww it looks so pretty! The sketch looks so neat (unlike mine..). Both of them look so sweet snuggling together. The picture really gives me a warm christmas feeling! <3
I think the christmas tree will be tricky to draw, though! Good luck with your calendar and your other projects!

Ben Hatke said...

Love the little cat.