
5 years Tokyopop

...and the last will be released this year as well. Wee!

... 2 years for me :)
Book-signing in Germany till April:

"Manga, made in Germany"
@hugo - Jugendmedienetage in der Hugo-Heimann-Bibliothek

Vernissage: Mo 2.3.09, 13.30-15.30 Uhr
Anne Pätzke
Marie Sann
Inga Steinmetz
Natalie Wormsbecher
there will be second day with book-signings but I can´t find the date o_o;

Leipziger Buchmesse 2009 (book-fair Leipzig)

2 appointments on Saturday (14th of March). The final time wasn´t offically released yet.

more events:
Animagic (summer, Bonn)
Connichi (autumn, Kassel) together with Mirjam

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