
A little test...

I know it looks weird. But trust me, it feels even weirder.

It's not a secret that i've been fighting with a tendo for the last two years. Even now it causes problems. I wrecked my arm with the last bunch of illustrations i did for the scouts and after that with an illustration for Sony.
I know why i get it and how but the problem is that you can't change your habits within one months. It's merely impossible. The biggest problem is that i cramp around the pens a lot when i concentrate and because most pens are slim and not really meant to be ergonomic i cramp and cramp and cramp.

Than i found a suggestion.. which sounded good. Wrapping foam and whatever around the pens gives you hand and fingers less opportunity to cramp. I can't say that it works 100%ly (tested it just today) but it IS more comfortable. I did some test sketches with it and switched back to my slim Slicci after it. And the cramping started again. So the foam coat might be useful.

I suggest using at least four hands to make such a thing and pack up all pens you regulary use since it seems to be useless trying to get it off the pen once you packed it up XD
I hope i find a thicker pen for my signing hours. Using that one might cause some funny looks.


Marina Lazovic said...

I really think this is a good idea!! I also have that sometimes and I thank you for these nice idea ;D

BamBam said...

It doesn't matter if it looks a little odd (in my opinion I think its a great idea!), the only thing that matters is that you feel comfortable with it. C:

Anonymous said...

Es gibt solche "Riesenkugelschreiber" - ich weiß es, weil wir einen als Werbegeschenk bekommen haben!
Ich denke, du musst nur im Fachgeschäft nachfragen.
Falls du die Mienen dann noch tauschen kannst - passt es :)
Gute Besserung und weiterhin kreatives Schaffen!!

SaraLynnArt said...

I had to use the same funny-looking pens when I went to occupational therapy for my tendo... these pens aren't great for drawing, but if you want something for signing that doesn't look too weird, Bic makes an XXL ballpoint pen http://www.amazon.com/BIC-Ball-Refillable-Black-2-Count/dp/B000F2SR5I I don't know how easy they would be to find where you are, but they sell them at the local walmart and target stores where I am.

erica_dreamer said...

I've found some really thick pens that work really well. When I get home I'll let you know the name of them because they are NICE! Great idea though

Jimena Pinto-Kroujiline said...

Hi Anne! It's great that you keep on drawing eventhough you have tendonitis! I had a neck surgery and it has been tough to draw but I push hard everyday! After my surgery I was inspired to write a children's book telling my story and that's when I started to draw for kids. Love it!

I want to share with you my new blog. Come and visit, it would be lovely to hear your comments and become a follower. It will be fun!


Best Wishes,

Jimena Pinto-Kroujiline

Dancing Toast said...

Are you left-handed? I love left-handed people, and I love youu!♥
Everything you make is so cute, and you're a really good photographer!!!♥
I see all of your works, but I feel like I'm not in on something... What are your picture books' titles? And can I get them in English?