
... and that's why the airbrush brush is BAD....

Because I am stil working on the image (now the couple .... and gods, Kimonos can cause a trauma XD ) and because the whole thing still bugs me.
A lot of people still use the airbrush brush... which is bad. JD *used* it as well and that's why we actually did the Skype session. I know a lot of people don't get the whole thing because nobody wants to tell and explain but the airbrush versus concept brush pretty much shows why you shouldn't use it for something or better anything that screams: I'm a detail!
I hope JD won't kill me (hun, I love you even if you love the airbrush XD) to show the difference. Left is what I call airbrush fail, right is my cleaned out correction. It doesn't mean I had to redo everything.. just the color. Which is fine because it took only around 1 hour to correct everything. I know it is a matter of taste but the smaller the illustation gets printed the more you have to care for non-muddy edges and good contrast.

And because Mirjam will pop up in some minutes for a photo-shoot I'll rush offline.


Anonymous said...

I am not an assassin, my dear! XD And I deserved it.... ^^;

PS: I created an account on livejournal just to post here! XD Muahahahaha!

Elaine Chen said...

ah..that brush of yours! just to make sure..is it the same as photoshop basic brush but less circly thingys>//<! i love that since i hate the circle things with photoshop brushes @_@

hm.what do you mean by airbrush brush?D: i am sorry i am kind of noob..i am not sure what kind of brush it is. is it just...the airbrush tool in painter?or...certain brush in photoshop?

PS: i couldnt really figure out the technique difference in the before picture haha;;

Anonymous said...

the airbrushed one looks better to me