
in graphics...

How I feel .... it's actually a side note I send out today with some documents. The person who got this whill hopefully be as amused as Ty was when he stuck all the papers into the envelope.

People found another one in São Paulo, Brazil... oh my... epic fail...


Miles said...

Ist echt ne totale Sauerei... ich wusste ja das Internet gefährlich sein kann, und das Diebstähle da an der Tagesordnung sind; egal in welcher Form. Aber sowas dann richtig zu sehen...da kriegt man echt Bauchweh.
Ich hoffe da kann man wenigstens rechtlich vor gehen. Nicht das es am Ende heißt, da wäre soviel verändert worden das es eigentlich 'nur' Zufall sein kann... Ala "Etwaige Ähnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und Namen sind zufällig und nicht beabsichtigt"...


trenchmaker said...

@Miles neee... keine Bange.. die besagten Dokumente sind die für den Anwalt ;)
Ich bin schon dran... mir macht das ja auch Bauchweh.

Mac "moriarty" O'neill said...

what will you do ? sue Zara for damages ?

trenchmaker said...

@Mac exactly. Hopefully it works.

Zeitwolf said...

amazing how something good can be turned into something so completely awful...

Karola said...

I hope they won't somehow get away with it. Wish you luck :) Although with the evidence and all - you should have enough arguments. Anyway, I tried to look in Zara as well, but didn't find anything, unfortunately.

Alkyoni said...

Ok... I am just curious... Whose freaking idea was it to use a design without asking the one who made it?? Really, those guys are lame...
Snif, snif, reading other people's comments make me feel very bad for only being able to introduce myself and order food in German...

trenchmaker said...

If I knew *that* he would for use have somebody with a frying pan in front of his door XD

Regarding the German comments: Hun, English is fine. Although I'm German and most people who read this are from Germany I rather stick to English myself since it's fair enough to babble about stuff so that all can understand it (more or less).
And even some Germans post in English here.. Zeitwolf eg ;)

Shuma said...

Yup it was thaat ! Yesterday my mum's friend came with a Zara bag. It scrabbled me but I couldn't remember why was that word bothering me.

Arrrr.. yeah yeah give me those claws and I'll show that bag what a hippo theft means !

The illustration is so nice. Guess it's Kiki upholding Hippo nee ? :3