

unfinished because I am not that patient today and because fur needs ages and because I already regret choosing a detailed fur... rahhh

adding nose and eyes...

adding details to the eye for a less creepy look...

starting with fur... zommmg...

... for those who wonder, it's the nasty hair brush from this pack. (be aware of the possibilty that your computer dies every ten seconds while using those...)

... and because I am close to kill the critter (lack of patience on my side) I stop now and hope I finish it next week....


Kiya Violet said...

Oh Gott jetzt merk ichs erst, das ist ein Rote Panda oder? Das sind meine absoluten Lieblingstiere <3 Bin schon echt auf das fertige Bild gespannt.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello!!! Days ago I came across your wonderful illustration on Webdesigncore and decided to post your work in my space. You are really talented. I'll stay tuned!!

Angel said...

Aaaaah but how can you hate a cute little face like that! He just needs a snuggle.

Lorra said...

This is the most adorable thing I've seen the whole day. Thank you for creating such cuteness!