
Honey, we gonna be parents! Soon!

... yesterday after work I got a phone call from my mum. I've been waiting for that special one for MONTHS.
Standing next to ugly shirts in an overcrowded store those news made my day.

So I rushed home and called Ty -too excited to wait.
"Ty, we gonna be parents soon. One baby has grey hair and the other one looks like a caramel candy!"
"Uh... "
"The CATS. I got phoned that the baby kittehs are one week old!"
"Ah.. cats!"

Omg! Kiki died in December and after 16 years *with* cat I am kinda scared how it is with two cats in an appartement. Baby cats! I never really thought about all the stuff you have to think of since I got Kiki when I was 8 and with 8 you don't really care about all those things you have to think of as a grown up.

In 7 weeks we will pick those little critters up and hopefully everything will be okay. Of course that means a lot of photos of little baby cats with totally dumb comments like "Aww, look at the tongue!" ("ten seconds before she bit meeee....")
I don't even know if it's gonna be two girls, one boy and one girl or two boys. We really wanted two girls but I guess some higher powers won't grant my wish which leads me to the other wish that the boy will be gay O_o

I already had two girl's names: Trunchi and Tretel (Tretel means "Treadle" like in milk treading) based on "Hansel and Gretel". When I said we might gonna have one or two boys Ty literally screamed: "Sir Ritchfield!" into the phone.
Sir Ritchfiled is a character of "Three Bags Full" ("Glennkill") and it's connected to a series of jokes we had for ages. So one might end up being called Sir Ritchfield. I hope we don't have to explain the name since the explanation will be totally ridiculous and stupid.

And now cross your fingers that everything works out fine and no drama happens and we gonna get those little "real life chubbies" in seven weeks.



BamBam said...

Yay, kittens!!! I love kitties! xD
You're really lucky to get kittens. My cat, Bonnie, wouldn't be very happy if I got another cat. lol
Be sure to send in some photos when you get them! :3

Anonymous said...

arw wie süüüß...vielleicht hol ich mir nach dem Umzug auch ne Mieze bzw. zwei...poste auf jedenfall mal Bilder von den Kleinen wenn sie da sind

trenchmaker said...

@Sabrina ... das werde ich auf JEDEN Fall machen :D
Meine Eltern haben letztes Jahr einen (jetzt Halbbruder) von der Katzenmum genommen und der sieht ja so aus: http://trenchmaker.deviantart.com/art/i-yawn-59483446
(also jetzt in dick und groß, aber gleiche Farbe)

Mariya said...

Aww kittens! Congratulations! I'm sure they'll be great=)